Don’t Let Asbestos Slow Your Project

Written By: John Emmi, Safety Consultant, Asbestos Project Inspector


Whether personnel are working in an occupational setting or in the field, our clients have come to understand that safety in the workplace is ever changing and evolving.  Regarding environmental issues in construction, regulatory compliance is very important and must be handled correctly to maintain project continuity.

Additionally, dealing with owners, building occupants, and many other facets of project management from a construction standpoint becomes an issue at times for a Project Manager and/or a Superintendent.  Add to that, contractor scheduling, placing personnel from different trades into one area- all can become a real headache.  Projects can really be delayed, especially when the unexpected discovery of asbestos appears in the workplace.

Opening up areas in a building that were previously inaccessible gives rise to the potential for asbestos insulation being found behind walls, pipe chases, plenums, above plaster and spline ceilings, flooring, exterior siding, roofing materials, etc.

When you have questions regarding asbestos; before or after it becomes an issue at your workplace, Compliance Consultants Inc. is here to assist you.

With over 25 years of experience in the environmental compliance industry, CCI can help your business manage any potential issues faced when dealing with asbestos in the workplace.

CCI’s Asbestos Related Environmental Services Include:

  • Building Surveys
  • Materials Sampling and Laboratory Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Project Monitoring
  • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Sampling
  • Contractor Oversight
  • Clearance Testing
  • Report Writing

At CCI it’s our job to keep our clients in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. If you need asbestos-related services, contact CCI today.